We are excited to announce that Abbott has vastly improved WebNova after more than a decade of support to our hospital partners!
Not only will you have access to the newly streamlined WebNova platform, but you will also now have access to Pediatric ProConnect, the nutrition support web portal.
1. Use your Pediatric ProConnect log-in credentials at PediatricProConnect.com to access WebNova. Your WebNova log-in credentials will be the same as your Pediatric ProConnect log-in credentials.
2. Select the WebNova tab in the top navigation menu once logged in.
3. Review the pop-up disclaimer and click "Agree" if applicable. Note that WebNova will only be accessible to those who agree to the terms.
Helpful Tip: Bookmark/Favorite the Pediatric ProConnect log-in page for easy access in the future
If you are having trouble accessing your account, please reach out to us at support@pediatricproconnect.com or https://www.pediatricproconnect.com/contact-us.html
Create and store feeding mixes for you and your team
Favorite select feedings to create a personalized My Favorites list
Access all feedings created by your WebNova hospital team
Compare feedings to other feedings or references and export into a PDF
For quick creation, storage, and sharing of feedings across your WebNova team
WebNova now communicates Abbott product updates
Add and save a product's nutrition information directly into WebNova
Log-out times have been improved to up to 3 hours for active sessions
Access WebNova on tablets, desktops, and mobile devices
Exclusive access to a vast library of nutrition resources
PediatricProConnect.com is a nutrition web portal with science-based resources to help elevate your pediatric nutrition expertise. Log in for access to a variety of free clinical resources, patient education materials, and more!
Support your nutrition expertise with science-based nutrition resources
Learn through easy-to-find clinical research articles
Connect with your patients using valuable education materials
Easy Access to Science-Based Nutrition Tools
Study on the growth, tolerance, and compliance of infants fed an extensively hydrolyzed formula with 2'-FL HMO.
Detailed Resources and Profiles With Supporting Data, Product Information & Valuable Tools
Explore helpful information like the Similac® Human Milk Fortifier nutrient profile.
Extensive Tools & Materials to Support Your Patients
Get resources to help support patients and caregivers with breastfeeding information, bottle-feeding, and back-to-work tips.
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